Why extra virgin olive oil is the healthiest fat on Earth?

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Olives are considered one of the healthiest fruits in the world. This fruit has many essential things for the human body. Olive oil is derived from olives.

But before going deep into this, let us understand what exactly is Extra Virgin Olive Oil?

This oil is made by simply crushing the olives and extracting the juice. Do you know that this is the only cooking oil made without any chemical and industrial refining?

Why is Extra Virgin Olive Oil the Healthiest Fat on Earth?

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It is a juice or oil of healthy olive without the inclusion of other nutrients that makes it super healthy and pure compared to any other type of food, oil or material.

This is what makes this oil expensive and relates to the highest quality oil that people use in their lives. It is also not easy to produce extra virgin oil as it requires very proper care of every step.

They have to use fresh olives under good conditions and monitor every stage of extraction oil from them. There are many types of olive oil gives different colors and different benefits from each other.

What is the nutrient composition of extra virgin olive oil?

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This oil is an ancient and old food that people have been using for thousands of years. It is the only oil that is extracted from fruits, not from seeds, walnuts or grains. Even they are sometimes referred to as sweet oil due to the presence of chemicals or other types of extra nutrients.

This oil varies in color and flavor depending on the maturity of the olive, climate, soil type, and producer contexts. Even the refining process plays an important role in the strength of extra virgin olive oil.

The better the refining process, the clearer you get. This powerful oil does not contain any type of carbs or proteins. All of its calories come from fat, which is mostly unsaturated, making it an extremely heart-healthy addition to your diet.

15 grams (one tablespoon) of oil distributes the following nutrients in the following quantities:

Calories – 119,
Fat – 14 g,
Sodium – 0.3 mg,
Carbohydrate – 0g,
Fiber – 0g,
Sugar – 0 g,
Protein – 0g,

One teaspoon of olive oil also contains some extra nutrients. And the good news is that fat is healthy, mostly unsaturated. Olive oil is a healthy type of fat.

Benefits of Olive Oil.

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Olive is an amazing and strong source of antioxidants and healthy fats.

This oil is refined and stripped of important nutrients and antioxidants. And throughout the process, extracting oil from olives is considered a natural extraction process. This ensures that it retains all the nutrients and antioxidants from the olive fruit.

Did you know that olive oil contains 30 types of phenolic compounds, which are powerful antioxidants that help the body to prevent in against of free radicals?

Free radicals are molecules that cause cell damage and contribute to the disease and aging process. The fat composition of this powerful oil is a major contributor to its wellness.


Reduce the risk of heart disease.

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Do you know that heart disease is the biggest cause of premature death in the world? Extra virgin olive oil contains an active compound that has powerful cardio-activating properties, such as lowering blood pressure and helping prevent atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries).

Conduct a study on people who eat olive oil. The study found that people who consume this oil have fewer heart problems and are less likely to die early than those who do not consume olive oil.

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Help in to prevent us with a stroke

prevent us from stoke.

It is widely the second largest killer in the world. It is directly linked to heart disease and also contributes to many factors in the body such as high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. A study conducted on olive oil has found that people who use olive oil have a lower risk of stroke.

Other studies also found similar results on the use of olive oil. Olive oil is a powerful remedy against a number of health issues on the body.


It’s one of the best cooking oil.


This cooking oil is the healthiest cooking oil of any oil available in the world. It is a powerful oil compared to any kind of oil. This oil has various properties that make it different from others.

As you can see there is a lot of oil in the market. But all used them in a limited way and if they use it more than the required amount then it increases the risk of many health issues.

But olive oil does not contribute to any negative results on the body, even if you use it in excess of the required amount.

Feel free to reach out to us for more information at contact@callousweb.com

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