Dangers of eating restaurant food on daily basis

Dangers of eating restaurant food on daily basis

We all usually know that eating a lot of food outside or eating junk food is not the best idea. It is generally expensive, for one reason, also the foods we take are not very good for our health. Also, exactly what we are eating or how it was prepared is often unknown.

Things can get complicated when it comes to finding out what you eat outside usually does to your body, because not every meal we take outside gives nutritional benefits, some may have bad effects to our health as well. In general, however, there are some not-so-good results, and you definitely want to think about them before heading out for another meal.

It raises your sodium and cholesterol levels

It raises your sodium and cholesterol levels

The average amount of sodium in junk food is almost is just as of the daily recommended amount. High levels of sodium and cholesterol in the body increases the risk of many negative bodily effects ranging from headache to obesity.

The average sodium of all items among the biggest chains (like Dominos, Mc Donald’s, Pizza hut etc.) in 2014 was 1,256 milligrams” which is huge considering that 2,300 mg or less per day is the recommendation per dietary guidelines. The effects on the body of a diet high in sodium include increased blood pressure, dehydration, and potentially kidney disease.

Foods at restaurants, usually junk food items, tend to have a huge amount of saturated fats and trans fats than meals you may prepared yourself at home. According health experts, to improve your health you should try to reduce the amount of fats you consume in the diet, rather than cholesterol itself, as a diet high in fat raises cholesterol levels.

It increases the chances of weight gain

It increases the chances of weight gain

If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Dining out or at restaurant for lots of meals is associated with a higher percentage of body fat and heavier weight than average adults who prepare foods at home.

This is mostly due to the convenience of eating on the go, there are many options at our fingertips when we choose to dine out, “portion distortion,” and the way in which foods in restaurants are prepared, according to Greatest.

Dining out occasionally is good as it gives enjoyment because you generally dine out with family or friends however making it a daily habit could be risky for your health which can give a lot of trouble in near future. Obesity which is caused by consuming too much of junk food is one of the major health concern most people are currently suffering from, choosing a freshly cooked home meal can certainly give you great benefits.

Dining out for lots of meals enhances your risk of heart disease or stroke

Dining out for lots of meals enhances your risk of heart disease or stroke

A meal of red meat at a restaurant is typically larger than 3.3 ounces. A diet high in fat, cholesterol, and sugar increases the risk of heart disease. When dining at a restaurant, there are more temptations to dig into the sugary desserts and condiments, or to consume with a meal you can’t replicate at home. The extra starchy and meaty items are the ones to be wary of in terms of disease risk.

A study from the University in Germany evaluated the connection between protein consumption and stroke risk. They found that the risk of strokes was 41% higher in those who consumed 3.3 ounces of red meat each day, compared to those who consumed an average of 1.7 ounces per day. A meal of red meat at a restaurant is typically larger than 3.3 ounces.

Try to make heart healthful decisions when eating out at a restaurant, experts advised ordering lean protein sources, taking only single cheat item, keeping in mind your liquid calories, and going easy on the condiments.

It increases your exposure to phthalates

It increases your exposure to phthalates

Your junk food order may be revealing you to chemicals. phthalates define as “a class of synthetic chemicals known as endocrine disruptors, meaning they can affect hormones in the body. It’s suspected that foods in restaurants are meeting the chemicals via plastic packaging, food handling gloves, food tubing, and other materials containing phthalates.

While phthalates most likely to stay in the body for a day, it is also based on your consumption patterns, you may be more at-risk dependent upon the quality of your diet.

Dining out mostly may make you eat in larger quantity

Dining out mostly may make you eat in larger quantity

Eating too much of outside food, promotes excessive consumption of portions. You’re more likely to overeat when dining out in comparison to when you’ve prepared your own food. Many restaurants provide freebies with order such as chips and salsa, or garlic-bread and oil, these freebies are indeed the extra food we eat, also these freebies enhance your craving for the original meal, and you end up eating more than which you originally eat to make yourself satisfied.

This also confuses the brain and body, making you feel like you are still consuming a serving, because this is what you have been served, but the reality is that the portion sizes are much larger than they are. A study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition claimed that people who dine out and eat consume more than 200 calories on average, compared to those who eat at home.

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