Latest Web Development technologies in 2019


The data of the progressive web world has become astonishing, as there are over 1.8 billion websites and around 200 million active websites so far.

Additionally, an uncountable number of new websites reinforce competition beyond our minds.

To make your own business website noticed in such a competitive digital space, you must welcome and use new technologies in web development.

As a web development organization, not only you need to find the latest web technologies, it would also prove to be more helpful, it would be helping you develop a website that is of global awareness.

After performing exhaustible brainstorming, some web development trends for 2019 and 2020 came before us.


1. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

I am sure you are familiar with the fact that chatbots operate on the concept of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning. Experts believe that combining machine learning and chatbots will lead to a bright future in the web world.

Around the world, well-established names like Google, Facebook and Twitter spend heavily on AI and machine learning. In coming future, a web developer may need to acquire features and functionality powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI). It is anticipated that there will be revolutionary changes in the field of web development.

In addition to these above-mentioned trends, other concepts such as Google Maps integration, real-time web applications, image sharing, minimalist design, image-related improvements will thrive in the future.

Latest website development frameworks like Angular.JS and Node.JS are very advanced JavaScript frameworks that make it possible for a web developer to create advanced websites and apps. This is the most recommended web developer technique for an advance website.

2. Internet of Things (IoT)

latest-technology-at-inesh-enterprisesAccording to Statista, there would be around 31 million connected devices by 2020. This incredible increase in the number of IoT devices will also impact the web development process. This happens because enterprises have a tendency to control these devices through laptops or desktops.

If you want to be famous for better customer services or general public services, it is extremely important to adopt devices with the website.

Although only a few websites have IoT integration, it is notable that it promises to be thriving in the coming days. This is because connected device numbers will increase going forward.

3. Blockchain

blockchain-technology-hire-inesh-enterprisesBitcoin gained immense fame last year, making 2018 the year of its popularity. And, blockchain also gaining the same popularity. This technology can revolutionize the web industry.

Blockchain technology allows online transactions with high security. It does not require a middleman. This promising technology uses standard data storage to authorize users to store data in various locations globally. Blockchain makes it very easy for banks and financial organizations to secure their customers’ data through algorithms.

Thus, the BFSI sector will adopt this technology for the betterment of its systems in future. Blockchain comes as one of the safest web technology trends in the coming years.

4. Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR)

Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) technologies are promising and sounds interesting due to their ability to change the way of interaction with websites in the future.

Highly reliable and reputable companies like Samsung, Google and Microsoft are spending an attractive amount on these technologies. You can immerse your users in the virtual world through virtual reality technology.

On the other hand, Augmented Reality (AR) shows the vision of a virtual world in this real world along with giving the user a better experience.

Both AR and VR have crossed the limits of mobile apps. It is estimated that by 2021 their collective market size will be approximately $ 215 billion USD.

 5. Motion UI

Users of this era want all to be easily usable and understandable. Choose the Motion UI, which is capable of differentiating design even when you have a minimalistic website with a helpful and beautiful interface.

The only thing needed is intensive research and strict implementation to get good results to increase the conversion rate on the website.

The motion UI contains hovers, animated charts, beautiful headers, and background animations. Your website will come up as something striking through the Motion UI.

This is a bit complicated technique and thus you should enlist the help of the best web development company to give you a good and smooth user experience.

6. Chatbots

If you utilize or acquire a chatbot, it would increase your online support by providing more comfort to your customers.

As per the NewVoiceMedia research report, companies incur losses of approximately $ 62 million each year due to inconvenient customer services in the United States.

Chatbots are widely regarded as reliable enough to satisfy customer support very well. By doing this, you can save the salary of a full-time online customer service representative and spend it on something more accomplishable.

7. Thriving push notifications

Best-website-development-company-in-delhiSame as in a mobile app, a website with push notifications can connect you to many viewers. Apart from this, you can also avail the benefit of this in the online marketing form.

Push notifications are the most effective services to grab the attention of visitors and customers.

However, you should avoid overusing them. They allow you to inform customers about breathtaking discounts, their beneficial activities and many more things.

8. Emergence of progressive web app (PWA)

If it is about the best mobile sites and native apps by taking advantage of the latest technology trends, Progressive Web Apps (PWA) immediately comes our minds.

Being on the internet evolution and use of HTML 5. PWA allows you to provide the same functionality and lossless user experience to a native app.

Following the introduction of PWA by eCommerce giant Flipkart, the conversation has seen a 70% increase. This should be sufficient to estimate the value of PWA in online business.

9. AMP prevails

Ever since Google found mobile-friendly websites to be of more importance, the responsive web design method became mainstream. This seems to be a promising trend in web design.

As reported by Adobe in February 2017, Accelerated Mobile Pages or AMP contributed 7% of all web traffic for the best publishers in the US.

AMP is designed to improve the overall performance of web advertisements and content while working on web speed and user experience.

Its smooth way of working has made it a favorite of the people. It promises its own intact place and reputation in the long run.

10. Single page application (SPA)

hire-website-developer-in-new-delhiThe best examples of single page application (SPA) are Gmail, Github and Facebook. A SPA removes the need to reload a web page while being in use by loading all content via JavaScript.

SPAs work internally in the browser and show natural behavior. Users find it convenient as there is no additional waiting time.

In addition, SPAs provide web pages directly to the user’s browser.

11. Promising RAIL concept

Response Animation Idol Load (RAIL) designing concept is expected to remain in demand in the future. The concept relates to very fast load times (less than a second) and excellent website performance.

Its main concept is the convenient and pleasant user experience. According to Smashing Magazine, RAIL divides UX into drag, tap, scroll, and action, and gives performance targets with a useful structure for better performance.

In short, the Rails concept is valuable for a web designer following a user-centric methodology.


Remember that just having knowledge is not enough, you need to hire a web app developer, who can help you to incorporate such advanced and future technologies in your software.

If you want to hire website developers in India, then take a deep breath by hiring people who have an excellent command over such technologies and experienced web developers. We at Inesh offers all the such technologies to our customers.

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